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Revista Ingeniantes 2018 Año 5 No. 2 Vol. 1

[1] An investigation of material removal rate and
surface roughness of squeeze casted A413 alloy on
WEDM by multi response optimization using RSM.
R. Soundararajan, A. Ramesh, N. Mohanraj, N. Par-
thasarathi. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016
[2] Semi-empirical modeling of surface roughness
in wire electro-discharge machining of ceramic
particulate reinforced Al matrix composites. Proce-
dia CIRP 42 (2016) 280 – 285; Nilesh G. Patila, P.K.
[3] The prediction of surface finish and cutting speed
for wire electro-discharge machining of Polycrysta-
lline Diamond.M.Galindo-Fernandeza, C. Diverb,W.
Leahyc; Procedia CIRP 42 ( 2016 ) 297 – 304
[4] Experimental investigation and multi-objective
optimization of wire electrical discharge machining
(WEDM) of 5083 aluminum alloy.G. Selvakumar, G.
Sornalatha, S. Sarkar, S. Mitra; Trans. Nonferrous
Met. Soc. China 24(2014) 373_379
[5] Multi-response optimization and modeling of
trim cut WEDM operation of commercially pure ti-
tanium (CPTi) considering multiple user’s preferen-
ces. Rupesh Chalisgaonkar, Jatinder Kumar; Engi-
neering Science and Technology, an International
Journal 18 (2015) 125-134
[6] Modelling of surface roughness in Coated Wire
Electrical discharge machining through Response
Surface Methodology. Dain Thomas, Rajeev Kumar,
G.K. Singh, Prashant Sinha, Sachin Mishra Mate-
rials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issues 4–5,
2015, Pages 3520-3526
[7] Prediction of Machining Characteristics using
Artificial Neural Network in Wire EDM of Al7075 ba-
sed In-situ Composite. Vishwa R. Surya, K.M. Vinay
Kumar, R. Keshavamurthy, G. Ugrasen, HV. Ravin-
dra. Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 4, Issue
2, Part A, 2017, Pages 203-212
[8] Multiple Response Optimization of Wire EDM on
Aluminium HE30 by using Grey Relational Analysis
V. Chengal Reddy, N. Deepthi, N. Jayakrishna. Ma-
terials Today: Proceedings, Volume 2, Issues 4–5,
2015, Pages 2548-2554
[9] Modelling and analysis of material removal rate
and surface roughness in wire-cut EDM of armour
materials. Ravindranadh Bobbili, V. Madhu, A.K.
Gogia. Engineering Science and Technology, an In-
ternational Journal, Volume 18, Issue 4, December
2015, Pages 664-668.

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