Page 9 - revista Ingeniantes 4 No1 Vol 1 Interectivo
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Revista Ingeniantes 2017 Año 4 No.1 Vol.1

3. A survey to collect primary data, which give information  7. Results of the Research
on what the size and perception of the service will be.      The dimensions selected to develop the SERVPERF
                                                             model are: the aspect of the company, facilities attrac-
4. The sampling rate is determined for the information co-   tive visually, the service and responsiveness. Accor-
llection. In this application, simple random sampling was    ding to this dimensions, the questionnaire applied was:
selected.                                                    1) The university has functional facilities to provide a
                                                             good service?
5. The number of observations according to the range of      2) The university facilities are suitable to be comforta-
the ratio and deriving this equation n is calculated with:   ble during the hours that remain in it?
              1                                      3) Were the syllabi completed in your classes of this
   ∗  1  2          Eq. (3)              this semester?
1                                                        4) If an academic problem occurs, the teachers have
                                                             disposition to fix it?
Where:                                                       5) Did the teachers gave good lessons?
Z (α / 2) = the value of the standard deviations.            6) Is the teacher’s knowledge appropriate?
p = the proportion of expected success of the popu-          7) Did the teachers cared about your specific needs?
lation.                                                      8) The university provides personal attention?
q = the failure rate of the population or phenomenon         9) Is the University education quality adequate?
to study.                                                    10) If you have any administrative problem, the solution
e = the allowable error in the number of observations.       that you received satisfied your needs?
                                                             11) Does the administrative staff offer fast and a quality
6. To assess the reliability of the measurement ins-         service?
trument, it was analyzed by Cronbach’s alpha. Within         12) According to your needs, does the University have
this category of coefficients, Cronbach’s alpha is un-       adequate hours?
doubtedly the most widely used by researchers. Alfa
estimated lower limit of the reliability coefficient and     Subsequently the observations number was estimated
is expressed by the equation:                                according to the confidence interval of the proportion.
                                                             The used formula is as follow:
k = the number of test items.                                                             =  (1  − )2  =   1.962(0.95) ∗         (0.5)              =          37                       Eq. (4)
Si = the variance of the items.                                                                          2                        (0.07)2
Ssum = the variance of the total test.
                                                             The number of observations to perform is 37 to gua-
7. The questionnaire used in this study is based on the      rantee a confidence level of 95%.
SERVPERF model, measuring satisfaction using only
perception, through 12 items, using a Likert response        On other hand to assess the reliability of the measuring
scale of 4 points where more means a higher level.           instrument we proceeded with an analysis of the inter-
Also, 4-level Likert scale was used to avoid the cen-        nal consistency by calculating the Cronbach’s alpha.
tral points.                                                 Within this category of coefficients, Cronbach’s alpha
                                                             is undoubtedly the most widely used by researchers.
8. The questionnaire is applied and the data is              Alfa estimates the lower limit of reliability coefficient
analyzed to verify what is significant.                      and is expressed by the equation:

9. Data was standardized to use the mean μ instead of                                                                                 ∗  1        1                                             Eq. (5)
mode as a measure of central tendency and analyze                                                                              1                 2
data as normal.
                                                             The next table shows the matrix by items to estimate
                                                             the Cronbach alpha:
10. With the data standardized, the Mahalanobis dis-
tance is applied in order to establish significant fac-      Table 1: Results Matrix
tors, it is to say, the Euclidean distance.
                                                             Questionnaire Item 1                Item 2     Item 3     Item 4     Item 5     Item 6     Item 7             Item 8       Item 9     Item 10     Item 11     Item 12   2
11. Based on the results of the Euclidean distance,                                  1        2          3          2          3          3          2                  2           2           1           2           2            3
improvement proposals for increasing the students                                    2        2          3          3          3          3          3                  2           1           2           3           3            4
quality experience are carried out at a confidence le-                               3        3          3          3          2          4          4                  3           4           3           2           3            3
vel of 95%.                                                                          4        3          2          3          2          4          3                  3           3           3           2           2            3
                                                                                     5        3          3          3          3          4          3                  3           3           4           4           4            3
12. Based on the results of Euclidean distance at                                    6        3          2          3          4          4          4                  3           2           3           2           2            3
confidence level of 95%, improvement proposals                                       7        3          3          2          3          4          3                  2           3           3           2           4            3
for increasing the degree of service satisfaction are                                8        3          3          2          3          4          3                  2            3          3           3           2            4
created.                                                                             9        3          3          3          3          4          3                  3            4          4           3           3            3
                                                                                              2          3          2          3          4          3                  3            2          4           4           3            3
                                                                                   10         1          1          2          3          3          2                  3          22           2           3           3            3
                                                                                   11         3          3          2          3          3          4                  2            3          3           3           2            2
                                                                                   12         3          4          4          2          3          4                  4            3          4           3           2            4
                                                                                   13         3          2          1          3          3          2                  3            2          2           2           3             4
                                                                                   14         4          3          4          3          3          3                  4            3          3           3           2             3
                                                                                   15         3          3          4          1          3          3                  4            4          4           3           3             3
                                                                                   16         3          3          4          3          4          3                  2            2          3           3           3             2
                                                                                   17         4          3          3          4          4          4                  3            4          3           3           3           33
                                                                                   18         2          3          3          4          3          4                  3            2          3           3           3             3
                                                                                   19         4          3          2          3          4          4                  3            4          2           3           3             2
                                                                                   20         3          2          4          4          3          3                  3            2          3           3           4             3
                                                                                   21         3          3          3          3          3          3                  3            2          2           3           3             4
                                                                                   22         3          2          3          3          3          3                  2            3          2           3           3             4
                                                                                   23         3          3          2          3          3          3                  3            2          2           3           2             4
                                                                                   24         3          3          4          2          3          4                  3            3          2           2           2             4
                                                                                   25         3          3          4          1          4          3                  3            1          3           3           3             3
                                                                                   26         3          3          4          2          4          4                  4            2          3           4           3             3
                                                                                   27         3          3          4          3          4          3                  4            4          3           3           3             4
                                                                                   28         3          3          3          4          3          3                  3            4          2           3           3            3
                                                                                   29         3          2          3          3          2          3                  3            3          3           2           2            3
                                                                                   30         4          3          3          3          3          2                  4           2           3           3           3            3
                                                                                   31         4          2          3          2          3          3                  3           2           2           3           3            4
                                                                                   32         4          3          3          4          3          2                  3           3           3           2           2            3
                                                                                   33         4          4          4          4          3          3                  3           2           3           3           3            3
                                                                                   34         4          4          4          4          3          4                  3           3           3           3           3            3
                                                                                   35         4          4          3          3          3          4                  3           3           3           3           2            2
                                                                                   36         4          4          2          4          3          3                  3           3           2           3           3            3
                                                                                   37         3          4          3          2          3          3                  3                       2           3           3            3
                                                                                   38         4          4          3          4          2          3                  2           4           3           2           2            4
                                                                                   39         4          4          3          2          4          3                  3           3           3           3           3

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