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Revista Ingeniantes 2021 Año 8 No. 1 Vol. 1
shown as the mean ± SD. To evaluate the effect on the which that time is only occupied to pollination labors (Fi-
treatment along the days a Pearson correlation was gure 2). Hence, with three robots is sufficient to pollinate
performed. one hectare under greenhouse conditions, the final cost
RESULTS for each ha was $150 USD ($450 USD in three robots)
The development of a prototype consists in four pha- which means at least 5.1 and 5.4 times cheaper than
ses. In the first stage (D0 to D1), the construction of a Bumblebees or MP, respectively.
preliminary device or bank prototype is started, which
serves to carry out the initial assessment for the tech-
nological improvements, between stages D1 to D2 im-
provements are made to the bank prototype until it rea-
ches a concept prototype from which a technical and
functional feasibility validation of the device is achieved.
Our robot is in stage D2, where the improvements were
made to the bank prototype until it reached a con-
cept prototype through system validation, and techni-
cal-functional device feasibility. The robot was located
in the upper part of the gutter 4 (Figure 1B). The robot
works by means of the eccentric motor movement
which is located at the upper of the gutter 4 and interla-
ced with the main tutor, the movement of the robot vi-
brates both the main tutoring and vertical tutoring, which
leads to flower pollination.
Figure 2. Six-months total expenses during greenhouse pollina-
Figure 1. Greenhouse divisions and location of the automatic polli- Another variable considered in this study was the re-
nator. A. Greenhouse area (52 m long -48 m wide, divided into 4 lative humidity which was correlated with temperatu-
gutters (1-4).) B. Automatic pollinator (located in the upper of the re, since the relative humidity values were higher than
gutter 4). 80%, can stimulates the plant diseases development
and difficult the fertilization by pollen compaction. On
the other hand, the low percentages of relative humidity
cause difficulties in the pollen fixation to flower stigma.
The AP vibrated in the programing parameters and was
capable to work with different set points either for tem-
perature or relative humidity (Figure 3). In addition, we
can observe that the 25 °C setup parameter was rea-
ched at least two times in one day.
This robot (AP) has been designed to perform the Figure 3. Temperature (blue circles) and relative humidity (black
task of replacing either bumblebees or manual po- rectangles) recording. The greenhouse data acquisition was sto-
llination due to these two methods are costly. On the red in a micro SD memory for the further analysis.
other hand, bumblebees have an initial cost of $800
USD per hectare (ha), with subsequent expenditures of
$250 USD every 22 days ha-1 for 6 months, which has
a final total of $2300 USD. In this study, showed how
a single AP activation could pollinate at least ¼ of the
greenhouse. However, according to a preliminary test a
1/3 of greenhouse pollination were performed (Data not
shown). Conversely, during manual tomato pollination at
least, two people per day per hectare is used, with an
approximate time of one hour per person. In addition, an
approximate cost of $35 USD per day (three days long)
with a total of $2457 USD during six months is spent, in