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Revista Ingeniantes 2021 Año 8 No. 1 Vol. 1
mentary pollination to obtain larger fruits for a higher Given these concerns, the aim of this study was to
yield and more commercially attractive fruits. Different evaluate whether the automatic pollination (AP) could
methods such as the use of manual vibration, wind sha- be useful to pollinate tomato plants under greenhouse
king and pollinating insects have been used until now in conditions according to the setup parameters.
low-tech greenhouses. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Greenhouse tomatoes require supplemental pollination Design and construction of the automatic pollinator
during anthesis and are usually pollinated by manual The robot (AP) includes a DHT11 sensor (Aosong Elec-
vibration, which is a very arduous and expensive task. tronics Co., LTD., China) and the vibration system, both
In Europe, insect colonies (Bombus terrestris L.) have devices were connected to an Arduino board. The AP
been used since 1987 to pollinate greenhouse tomato is a dynamic open-loop control robot, which was de-
plants, replacing manual pollination [5]. Although the use veloped using an embedded system [11], to record and
of bumblebees as greenhouse pollinators was rapidly determine the appropriate stage when the electric mo-
disseminated, very little research was carried out re- tor must be turn on/off. Furthermore, the robot consists
garding problems with bumblebees, for example, pesti- in one horse power motor (DC motor electric 12 volt
cides such as stressors [6]. 56C 1800 rpm, PTJ Industrial) capable to vibrate in an
Robotics in agriculture is not a new technology, since eccentric way and a digital recording system that sto-
its use has a history of more than 30 years. Its worldwi- res the information in a micro SD memory configured
de utilization has increased joint with the capacity of Hi- to acquire greenhouse data. The operation of the AP
Tech computers, technology research and automation. was evaluated by counting the working hours, recording
As the world population is expected to increase to nine variables (temperature and relative humidity), switching
billion by 2042, which means that there will be a consi- the on/off system and vibration according to the set
derable challenge in the provision of high quality food point parameters, which were controlled by LabView
for this population. Furthermore, the labor force in agri- 2013 (National Instruments).
culture is declining and automation technology is emer- Study area
ging to replace some traditional labor [7]. For example, This research was carried out from January 1st to July
in the production of special crops, labor is often tedious, 15th 2016, in the Technological Institute of Tamazu-
non-ergonomic and performed by unskilled personnel. la, located in the city of Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalis-
Automation technology improves productivity, health co, Mexico. Tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
and staff satisfaction. However, there are serious tech- were planted with a density of 3.2 plants m-2 in a plastic
nical challenges regarding the automation of operations greenhouse, with a traditional design. The greenhouse
and the control of dynamic processes. A recent robot, is a 4-connected gutter (numbered 1-4). The pollination
which is the closest to commercialization, is a strawbe- was carried out in the gutter 1 and 4 for the MP and AP,
rry harvester robot [8], but is still in the exploration phase. respectively. To establish climate, irrigation, fertilization,
According to Vega-González [9], the construction of tutoring and pest control and other cultural labors, the
a prototype consists of four phases, which are called practices suggested by Jaramillo [2], were followed.
bench prototype, concept prototype, laboratory proto- Robot functionality and activation
type and technological product. Just a few robots can Two treatments were evaluated as follows: i) flower
reach the last phase and the most of the cases due to pollination through AP, and ii) flower pollination throu-
the great amount of investment necessary for produ- gh MP. In order to evaluate the effect of the pollination
cing the prototype in industrial scale. system, the number of tomatoes and clusters per plant
On the other hand it worth to mention that floral anthesis was quantified. The MP was performed every day by
starts early in the morning around 6 am and the flower the same person; simultaneously, the AP was carried
continues opening until 11 am. The peak period of anther out in its respective section by the robot according on
dehiscence is between 8 to 11 am depending upon the the activation parameters the set point was established
initiation of sunshine, atmospheric temperature and hu- at 25 ± 0.9°C. The treatments were established in two
midity. At temperatures ranging between 18 to 25 °C, different gutters as above mentioned (Figure 1A). Twen-
the pollen remains viable for 2 to 5 days, the stigma be- ty plants were randomly selected and numbered (1-20)
comes receptive 16 to 18 h before anthesis and retains for each section either for the MP or AP.
the receptivity up to 6 days after anthesis, i.e., shortly Data analysis
before the flower withers. This long duration of stigma In order to evaluate the feasibility to automatically po-
receptivity from near one day prior to 6 days after an- llinate tomatoes under greenhouse the AP activity was
thesis, permits controlled pollinations. These are further compared versus MP. Dataset were analyzed using
facilitated by the long-duration viability of pollen as the the independent samples t- test. To identify significant
pollen retains its viability for 2 to 5 days at temperature difference among treatments and statistical significan-
ranging from 18 to 25 °C [10]. ce for all comparisons was made at p<0.05. Data are