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Revista Ingeniantes 2018 Año 5 No. 1 Vol. 1
Comparative study of restoration
tools by cloning using LSP me-
José Luis Lira Turriza; Yaqueline Pech Huh; Jose Manuel Lira
Turriza; Ariana Abigail Chi-Dzib; Miguel Angel Cohuo Avila,
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Calkini, Campeche
RESUMEN: Las herramientas de ABSTRACT: The restoration tools in a computer lab are used to
restauración en un laboratorio de maintain the equipment that is in it. One technique used is image
cómputo se utilizan para el man- cloning, which consists in generating an image of the system at
tenimiento de los equipos que en a given time and on which it will be restored. In this document
él se encuentran. Una técnica utili- we have reviewed three tools such as those mentioned using the
zada es la de clonación de imáge- methodology of Logical Scoring of Preference(LSP) evaluating
nes, que consiste en generar una its Installation, Usability, Performance and Maintainability in the
imagen del sistema en un momento Instituto Tecnologico Superior de Calkini laboratories. It was ob-
dado y sobre la que será restable- served that the tool named Clonezilla got 75 percentage points
cido. En este documento se han re- being the higher.
visado tres herramientas como las KEYWORDS: Clonezilla, cloning systems, Equipments Software
mencionadas, usando la metodolo- Restoration, Computer labs, linux applications.
gía de Puntuación Lógica de Pre- INTRODUCTION
ferencias (LSP) evaluando su Ins- Computers into computer labs are used to process and optimize
talación, Usabilidad, Desempeño y activities of the end-users, this is one reason why are useful and es-
Mantenibilidad, en los laboratorios sential for organizations and institutions, they generate competitive
del Instituto Tecnológico Superior advantages that are reflected in the increased efficiency, learning
de Calkiní. Se pudo observar que el and business growth.
sistema llamado Clonezilla obtuvo Organizations commonly acquire computer equipment from the
75 puntos porcentuales siendo el same vendor because it generates higher profits and better rela-
mayor de los tres. tionships with them, helping the technical service to reduce the type
PALABRAS CLAVE: Aplicaciones of parts of the equipment purchased since they have the same fea-
de Linux, Clonezilla, Laboratorios tures in terms of hardware, so the software installation can be per-
de computación, Restauración de formed in a standardized manner.
software de equipos, Sistemas de
clonación. 53