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Revista Ingeniantes 2018 Año 5 No. 1 Vol. 1
In the ITESCAM, there is a policy of restoration for the be shown in [7], and usually are always focused on
computer labs where the stable initial configuration of aspects of software design and development. One
all the needed programs is returned. of the quantitative methods is Logical Score Preferen-
Currently, there are authors like Pressman that esta- ce (LSP). It is used to evaluate, compare, and select
blish criteria for measure of software quality. In this software and hardware, and is a generalization and
document we present the compilation and classifica- extension of several techniques of qualify [8] and [9] .
tion of this information divided in three criteria: ease to LSP does not specify a criterion, but it gives us a me-
install, ease to use, performance and maintainability, thod to get a list to evaluate quantitatively criteria for
integrated through LSP methodology for, in a quanti- comparing as is showed in [10].
tative manner, compare two or more software’s and The chosen tools are: Acronis, Clonezilla SE and Sy-
determine the better, using the established indicators; mantec Ghost Solution Suite that permit creating and
in addition, we show the results of use it with three cloning an image.
restoring and cloning tools for the equipment of ITES- MATERIALS AND METHODS
CAM computer center. Methodology
State of the art An experiment was made using Installation Labs of the
The dedicated area for its required maintenance to institute with thirty-five computers for the massive de-
protect needed programs of providing services either ployment of a disk image from a hard disk of 500Gb
for poor performance, virus or organization policies, in containing 80 GB of information and with two opera-
order to maintain service levels [1] ting systems: Windows 7© and Linux Ubuntu 14.04.
Taking the advantages of the computer lab, the mana- At the beginning of the test we followed next steps:
gers can use features of different programs to make a i. Review Connectivity
massive installation of the full content of hard disks, no ii. Operating System Installation as a server
matter if you have installed two operating systems (in iii. Preparation of a client computer to install required
some disks) or if you have installed some programs. operating systems and applications in the computer
If a manager does not implement any of the programs lab.
that we will evaluate, to perform this work can be te- iv. Installation of cloning software on the server
dious and inefficient and it would take too long to fini- v. Saving the disk image on the client from server.
sh the activity, because it would imply that the resto- vi. Cloning target computers of the computer lab.
ration of operating systems (one or more), drivers and Software Description
applications installation that are used is going to be The characteristics of the three tools to be used to
made computer by computer. accomplish the target are presented below:
In the current market there are tools of software (co- Clonezilla SE. It is a free software used for restoration
pyright or copyleft) that offer disaster restoration, disk management of hard disk to different clients, it is a
cloning and backup that are ideal to apply on com- tool that permits to start the operating system in the
puter labs or in connected computers by net for an net machines, without having an operating system ins-
efficient maintenance in the computers. tallation in the locally, with Clonezilla (included) we can
We name disk clone or Disk Image, as an exact copy clone several computers simultaneously. It is a pro-
of computer hard disk drive. The copy includes all gram that works over Linux distributions and permits
the partition information, boot sectors, the file alloca- to clone the hard disk. It is important to mention that is
tion table, operating system installation and software an open software, available for all users.
application. It saves the entire data from the disk, in- Symantec Ghost Solution Suite. It is a commercial sof-
cluding the file structure and all the files and folders tware that is used for the creation of disk images of
from the disk, in a single file [2] systems; and it is compatible with Windows, although
Evaluate a system means establishing criteria based it can install in other operating systems using another
on properties that are expected to have, it can be tools.
made using oriented methods for economic effects, Acronis It provides security copies and restoration
trying to express criteria in terms of financial indica- solutions after disasters and let us access to security
tors, from the perspective of quality with the classic data through a security software giving us access to
works of [3] and [4], through metrical standards of sof- security data in physical servers, virtual servers, and
tware quality established in [5] and [6]., nevertheless the cloud. It includes a feature called Universal Res-
metrics quality standards are standardized, evaluation tore that permits to restore security copies simulta-
methods that operate over these are different as can neously on any computer, independently of the pla-